What makes professional asset recovery, LLC different from other asset recovery firms?

Whether you lack the manpower to process recovery documents or you simply need some help finding the correct documentation to support your claim, Professional Asset Recovery can recover your funds professionally, thoroughly and expediently.  

Please allow us to work through the red tape and get your money back to you without further delay!

                  SIZE OF ACCOUNTS COLLECTED:  We have successfully recovered millions of dollars for our clients and have recovered over $2.3 million dollars for a single client!  We are experienced in filing personal claims, corporate claims, probate claims and stock/security claims.  We understand how to process claims, even for those companies that are no longer conducting business!

                  FEES COVERED:  I cover all fees for obtaining support documents as well as any bonding fees.  Bonding fees are the most expensive fees and usually run around 2% of the property value, although some firms charge up to 4%.    Unlike many firms, I pay for these fees without reimbursement by my clients.    Be aware that bonding is not required on all properties, but often a state will require bonding with certain types of properties. 

                  CONTACTS:  I think it is important to know the people with whom you work.  I have personally met with the head of Unclaimed Funds, the Head of Securities and the Head of Personal Claims.  Having these contacts with whom I have spoken face to face allows me to be sure that we have all questions answered and that all claims submitted by Professional Asset Recovery are in the proper format for Texas, so that they are processed as expediently and efficiently as possible.
                 SPECIALIZATION:   Although I will recover funds nationally for corporate clients, I specialize in Texas.  This is important because literally every state has different procedures, laws and regulations.  They each want their claims submitted in different formats.  When these procedures are not followed, claims are delayed.  95% of my recoveries are made in the state of Texas.                 

                  SOURCES SEARCHED: Most companies in this industry simply cherry pick the highest value properties to try and recover for any one client.  They do no additional research for any other existing funds for the same client, which simply means that often funds are missed!  I research a wide range of sources for all of my clients including insurance policies, IRS tax refunds, US treasury bonds, pensions, etc to find the most money as possible for all of my clients!