How do I get my claim started?

If we have contacted you, simply sign and return the agreement that we sent with our original communication.  If not, or if you have any questions, please call us!  We are happy to discuss the process with you!

Questions and Answers

How long does it take to recover the funds?

Each state is different, but in Texas, it typically takes 90 - 180 days for the entire process.  Corporate claims can take even longer.  The key to getting the claim processed as quickly as possible is to have all support documentation included and submitted in an organized fashion before the first review.  Each time a claim must be returned for corrections, substantial delays are experienced.  Having an asset recovery company familiar with the state's requirements goes a long ways in getting your claim submitted property the first time!

Can I file a claim without using your service?

Yes, just like you can file your own company's taxes or change your own oil in your car, you could file for your own claims,  but many people do not. Individuals and companies use our services for a variety of reasons, but using a licensed professional Private Investigator provides assurance that all existing claims are being identified and that the entire process is being handled expediently and accurately.  Knowing everywhere to look for lost funds takes experience.  Missing just one claim from one of the databases, could easily make up the processing fee that we charge!

Often,  we are asked these questions….


​Where does this money originate?

For Individuals, we  often find claims from old bank accounts, refunds, mortgage insurance payment refunds, royalty payments, unclaimed pensions, stocks and bonds - all companies that had incorrect, partial  or outdated addresses. 

For Companies, we more often find company rebates, vendor payments, misappropriated deposits, abandoned bank accounts and utility refunds that could not be delivered.  This happens most often with large corporations that have multiple locations, acquisitions and mergers, or companies that have ceased to do business.

For Heirs, typically we find all of the above plus life insurance policy payouts, VA benefits and other unpaid benefits that never made it to the recipient.